Debts After A Chapter 7 Filing: What Filers Need To Know

Posted on: 22 October 2021

Most chapter 7 filers are eager to list all of their debts on the bankruptcy forms so that they can be released from the responsibility of paying them. However, there are a few common situations that some filers encounter that may have them questioning whether or not the debt is included or not. To find out about debts incurred after you file and how the bankruptcy courts deal with them, read on.
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What To Avoid Doing Before Using Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Posted on: 10 June 2021

If you're looking for a way to get rid of your debts so that you can get a clean start with your finances, you're likely considering Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This is an incredibly powerful tool that can discharge many of your debts so that you no longer have the financial obligation. However, there are mistakes people make before filing that cause problems during bankruptcy proceedings. Here are some things that you should avoid doing to ensure things go smoothly.
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How Quick Is The Bankruptcy Process?

Posted on: 7 May 2021

It's normal for someone working with a bankruptcy lawyer to want to know how long the whole process is likely to take. As attorneys are prone to do, they'll probably tell you, "It depends." The speed of the process depends on how quickly you file and what type of bankruptcy you're pursuing. Here's a closer look at those factors and how they might affect the speed of your case. Filing Time
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Chapter 7 Vs. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: Which One Should You File?

Posted on: 8 April 2021

If you are desperate for financial relief and decide to turn to bankruptcy, the first thing to determine is which branch to use. Do you use Chapter 7 or 13, and how do you know which is right? The best way to know is by visiting a bankruptcy lawyer. The lawyer will ask you some questions about your current financial situation. From the answers you provide, the attorney can recommend a branch.
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